.. _libc_gpu_support: =================== Supported Functions =================== .. include:: ../check.rst .. contents:: Table of Contents :depth: 4 :local: The following functions and headers are supported at least partially on the device. Some functions are implemented fully on the GPU, while others require a `remote procedure call `_. ctype.h ------- ============= ========= ============ Function Name Available RPC Required ============= ========= ============ isalnum |check| isalpha |check| isascii |check| isblank |check| iscntrl |check| isdigit |check| isgraph |check| islower |check| isprint |check| ispunct |check| isspace |check| isupper |check| isxdigit |check| toascii |check| tolower |check| toupper |check| ============= ========= ============ string.h -------- ============= ========= ============ Function Name Available RPC Required ============= ========= ============ bcmp |check| bcopy |check| bzero |check| index |check| memccpy |check| memchr |check| memcmp |check| memcpy |check| memmem |check| memmove |check| mempcpy |check| memrchr |check| memset |check| rindex |check| stpcpy |check| stpncpy |check| strcasecmp |check| strcasestr |check| strcat |check| strchr |check| strchrnul |check| strcmp |check| strcoll |check| strcpy |check| strcspn |check| strdup |check| strlcat |check| strlcpy |check| strlen |check| strncasecmp |check| strncat |check| strncmp |check| strncpy |check| strndup |check| strnlen |check| strpbrk |check| strrchr |check| strsep |check| strspn |check| strstr |check| strtok |check| strtok_r |check| strxfrm |check| ============= ========= ============ stdbit.h -------- ============================ ========= ============ Function Name Available RPC Required ============================ ========= ============ stdc_leading_zeros_uc |check| stdc_leading_zeros_us |check| stdc_leading_zeros_ui |check| stdc_leading_zeros_ul |check| stdc_leading_zeros_ull |check| stdc_trailing_zeros_uc |check| stdc_trailing_zeros_us |check| stdc_trailing_zeros_ui |check| stdc_trailing_zeros_ul |check| stdc_trailing_zeros_ull |check| stdc_trailing_ones_uc |check| stdc_trailing_ones_us |check| stdc_trailing_ones_ui |check| stdc_trailing_ones_ul |check| stdc_trailing_ones_ull |check| stdc_first_leading_zero_uc |check| stdc_first_leading_zero_us |check| stdc_first_leading_zero_ui |check| stdc_first_leading_zero_ul |check| stdc_first_leading_zero_ull |check| stdc_first_leading_one_uc |check| stdc_first_leading_one_us |check| stdc_first_leading_one_ui |check| stdc_first_leading_one_ul |check| stdc_first_leading_one_ull |check| stdc_first_trailing_zero_uc |check| stdc_first_trailing_zero_us |check| stdc_first_trailing_zero_ui |check| stdc_first_trailing_zero_ul |check| stdc_first_trailing_zero_ull |check| stdc_first_trailing_one_uc |check| stdc_first_trailing_one_us |check| stdc_first_trailing_one_ui |check| stdc_first_trailing_one_ul |check| stdc_first_trailing_one_ull |check| stdc_count_zeros_uc |check| stdc_count_zeros_us |check| stdc_count_zeros_ui |check| stdc_count_zeros_ul |check| stdc_count_zeros_ull |check| stdc_count_ones_uc |check| stdc_count_ones_us |check| stdc_count_ones_ui |check| stdc_count_ones_ul |check| stdc_count_ones_ull |check| stdc_has_single_bit_uc |check| stdc_has_single_bit_us |check| stdc_has_single_bit_ui |check| stdc_has_single_bit_ul |check| stdc_has_single_bit_ull |check| stdc_bit_width_uc |check| stdc_bit_width_us |check| stdc_bit_width_ui |check| stdc_bit_width_ul |check| stdc_bit_width_ull |check| stdc_bit_floor_uc |check| stdc_bit_floor_us |check| stdc_bit_floor_ui |check| stdc_bit_floor_ul |check| stdc_bit_floor_ull |check| stdc_bit_ceil_uc |check| stdc_bit_ceil_us |check| stdc_bit_ceil_ui |check| stdc_bit_ceil_ul |check| stdc_bit_ceil_ull |check| ============================ ========= ============ stdlib.h -------- ============= ========= ============ Function Name Available RPC Required ============= ========= ============ abs |check| atoi |check| atof |check| atol |check| atoll |check| exit |check| |check| abort |check| |check| labs |check| llabs |check| div |check| ldiv |check| lldiv |check| bsearch |check| qsort |check| qsort_r |check| strtod |check| strtof |check| strtol |check| strtold |check| strtoll |check| strtoul |check| strtoull |check| ============= ========= ============ inttypes.h ---------- ============= ========= ============ Function Name Available RPC Required ============= ========= ============ imaxabs |check| imaxdiv |check| strtoimax |check| strtoumax |check| ============= ========= ============ stdio.h ------- ============= ========= ============ Function Name Available RPC Required ============= ========= ============ feof |check| |check| ferror |check| |check| clearerr |check| |check| fseek |check| |check| ftell |check| |check| fflush |check| |check| fgetc |check| |check| fgets |check| |check| ungetc |check| |check| getc |check| |check| getchar |check| |check| puts |check| |check| fputs |check| |check| fputc |check| |check| fwrite |check| |check| putc |check| |check| putchar |check| |check| fclose |check| |check| fopen |check| |check| fread |check| |check| ============= ========= ============ time.h ------ ============= ========= ============ Function Name Available RPC Required ============= ========= ============ clock |check| nanosleep |check| ============= ========= ============ assert.h -------- ============= ========= ============ Function Name Available RPC Required ============= ========= ============ assert |check| |check| __assert_fail |check| |check| ============= ========= ============